ILINIZA SOUTH 5.263m/17,267ft – ANTISANA 5.704m/18,713ft – CHIMBORAZO 6.263m/20,549ft, 14 days

Enjoy with us this extraordinary 14-day adventure to conquer the most challenging peaks of Ecuador. This expedition offers an exciting combination of high-altitude mountaineering and stunning landscapes in the surrounding regions of the vibrant city of Quito. It is perfect for any mountaineer who wants to experience a technically demanding tour off the beaten track.


  • Cerro Puntas (4463m/14,642ft)
  • Rumiñahui Norte (4712m/15,549ft)
  • Sincholagua (4899m/16,072ft)
  • Iliniza South (5245m/17,208ft)
  • Quilotoa Lake (3914m/12,841ft)
  • Antisana (5753m/18,875ft)
  • Waterfall-tour in Banios
  • Chimborazo (6263m/20,549ft)


Day 1: Arrive Quito (9,184 ft/2800m).

(Transfer in-Airport-Hotel)

Overnight: Hotel Quito. (no meals included)

Day 2: Acclimatizacion hike to “Cerro Puntas” (14,107 ft/4300m) – Hacienda Los Mortiños

The Cerro Puntas is located 28 miles from Quito in a very little visited area in the eastern Andes mountain range on the edge of the Cayambe-Coca Ecological Reserve. This unique mountain has several peaks of incomparable beauty, whose highest peak reaches 14,632 ft.

We will drive about 2 hours to a Hacienda where we will park our car and start walking. After 4-hours walk, we reach the rocks and we have to climb the last 98 feet to reach its summit at 14,107 ft. Back to the vehicle, we drive about 2 hours close to Cotopaxi National Park to the nice hacienda Los Mortiños. Total walking time: 6-7 hours. (B/BL/D/

Day 3: Acclimatization hike to Volcano Rumiñahui Norte 15,492ft/4722n – Hacienda Los Mortiños

Volcano Rumiñahui is located in Cotopaxi National Park. The three highpoints are Rumiñahui Norte (4722 m), Rumiñahui Central (4631 m), and Rumiñahui Sur (4696 m). We drive about 30 minute to Limpipungo lagoon, from here the first part constitutes a moderate walk over grasslands, until you reach the base of a rocky ridge, which leads to a trough of sand and unstable rock to the summit. It is an excellent acclimatization climb with an exciting finish and epic views of El Corazón, Los Ilinizas, Sincholagua, and Cotopaxi. We drive back to the same hacienda. Total walking time: about 8 hours. (B/BL/D)

Day 4: Acclimatization hike to Sincholagua (16,072ft/4899m) – Hacienda Los Mortiños

We drive early in the morning to the starting point of today’s hike. Nice acclimatization climb passing through Paramo grass next to Cotopaxi volcano and an ascent up the extinct volcano Sincholagua (4899m/16,072ft). Sincholagua is one of the least frequently climbed mountains in Ecuador because it is difficult to access and less well known compared to other mountains and volcanoes in the country. Total walking time 6-8 hours. Drive back to the same hacienda. (B/BL/D)

Day 5: Hike to Iliniza Hut (4700m/15,419ft)

Iliniza North and South are located about 55 km South West of Quito. Originally, they were one volcano, which exploded and split in half a very long time ago! The two peaks are separated by a saddle. Their distance is about 2 km. Iliniza South is icy and therefore difficult. Iliniza North is rocky and a lot easier. 50 years ago, Iliniza North had a glacier, but it has completely melted in the last few decades. After the breakfast we will drive about 1 hour towards the base of Ilinizas and we will stop on a place named “La Virgen” located at 12792ft/3900 m. From there we will hike up for 3 hours to the mountain refuge “Nuevos Horizontes” (4700m/15,419ft). Horses will help to carry our gear up to the refuge. Here we spend the first night at high altitude. (B/BL/D).

Day 6: Summit climb Iliniza South (5263m/17,267ft) – Lasso

Our climbing day starts early in the morning. We will have a light breakfast, pack our climbing equipment and leave the refuge an hour later. We will continue hiking up towards the saddle formed between both peaks Iliniza South and Iliniza North. Illiniza Sur is a beautiful steep peak that offers great technical ice/snow climbing routes to visitors as well as stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys of the Ecuadorian Andes.
Once at the summit we will enjoy and admire the beautiful surroundings. We descend the same route to the refuge and then back to the parking lot. Horses will bring our stuff down to the parking lot. We drive to another nice Hacienda near Lasso. Total climbing and walking time: 7-9 hours. (B/BL/D)

Day 7: Rest Day. Visit Quilotoa Lake (3900m/12,795ft) – Lasso

Free day to recover and enjoy the atmosphere of the Ecuadorian countryside. After breakfast we drive about 3 hours to get to Quilotoa. Quilotoa is a 3 km/1.9-mile-wide water-filled caldera and has accumulated a 250m/820ft deep crater lake. After visiting the Crater Lake, we drive back to the same Hacienda. (B/D)

Day 8: Antisana Base Camp (4533m/14,872ft)

After breakfast we will drive towards Antisana Reserve. After 2 hours, we will arrive at the base camp on the western side of the mountain. In the afternoon we will prepare our equipment for the night climb. (B/BL/D)

Day 9: Antisana summit climb (5704m/18,713ft) – Quito

Antisanais the fourth highest mountain in Ecuador, it is an extinct double volcano and is located about 60 km east of Quito. Due to its ice walls and numerous crevasses, the ascent is one of the most difficult mountains to climb in Ecuador.

We wake up before midnight and then begin our early morning ascent up Antisana. It will take approximately 8 hours to reach the top and 4 hours back to the base camp. Drive back to Quito to the hotel Quito. (B/BL)

Day 10: Rest Day. Drive to Banios (1900m/6,233ft)

We will drive about 4 hours to the south, the subtropical town of Banios.
Free afternoon, you can relax in the hot springs or there are many options and activities if you want to have more fun! Overnight: Hotel La Floresta. (B)

Day 11: Waterfall-tour in Baños, free afternoon

Enjoy “Baños de Agua Santa” and its charming atmosphere. On this day, we have the option to take an excursion to the waterfalls. Free afternoon. Overnight: Hotel in Banios. (B)

Day 12: Banios – High Camp on Chimborazo (5300m/17,388ft).

From Banios we drive about 3 hours through picturesque fields and bizarre gorges, the road winds to the plateau on the slopes of Chimborazo. We see llamas, vicunas and alpacas. After lunch we drive to the Carrel Hut and there we will start marching to the high camp at 5300m/17,388ft. We need about 3 hours. A porter will help carrying a part of our equipment to the high camp.  In the high camp we will expect the complete logistics with tents, kitchen etc.  Early dinner and rest. Overnight in domes. (B/L/D)

Day 13: Summit climb Chimborazo (6.263m/20,549ft) – Quito

We start the climb at about midnight following the western ridge until it joins the Castle Saddle (5500m/18.044ft). This new variant to the normal Castle Ridge route, free from rock fall, makes it a much safer line to the top. From the high camp it normally takes six hours to get to the Whymper summit, from where you will enjoy one of the most impressive views in Ecuador. The descent to the Camp takes 3 hours. After returning to the camp, we´ll have some rest, drinks, pack, descent to Carrel Hut and drive about 4 hours back to Quito. (B/BL)

Day 14: Depart Quito. Transfer to the airport and flight back home. (B)


  • Private airport transfers
  • Private Transportation during the whole tour
  • Officially Certified Bilingual Mountain Guide (IFMGA/ASEGUIM) the whole trip
  • All meals while in the mountains. Vegetarian or special diets can easily be arranged in advance.
  • Meals stated in itinerary (B=Breakfast, BL=Box Lunch, L=Lunch, D=Dinner)
  • Accommodation for the whole tour (hotels, Haciendas in double rooms, in Mountain refuges based in shared occupancy, on High Camp in tents)
  • All logistic in the Base Camp on Antisana and in the High Camp on Chimborazo (cook, assistants, kitchen tent, dining tent, domes, etc.)
  • Horses on Iliniza (parking lot – hut – parking lot)
  • Porter on Chimborazo (parking-high camp-parking)
  • Entrance fees and permits to all National Parks and private reserves
  • 24/7 support and assistance

Not Included:

  • Not described meals while in the cities or off the mountain
  • Additional activities or visits not described in the itinerary
  • Mountain equipment (boots, crampons, harness, ice axe, helmet, sleeping bags, etc.)
  • Extra drinks and alcoholic beverages
  • Additional activities or visits not described in the itinerary
  • Insurance of any kind
  • Items of personal nature such as laundry, phone calls, etc. -Tips/gratuities to staff members and Guides

Please note that this itinerary is a guideline only. We will do every effort to follow it, but in case of unforeseen circumstances we may have to make changes.

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